Thesis Guidance

Thesis Guidance in Graduate School of Economics (Master and Doctorate)

Fields of Expertise

  • I (Akifumi Ishihara) specialize in the analysis of organizations, contract theory, industries and marketing and politics. (see also my research). Basically, I will supervise graduate students interested in theoretical analysis using formal models (e.g. game theory, microeconomics, etc.).
  • Students interested in empirical research on the topics above are recommended to ask another faculty specializing in empirical analysis as their supervisor, though informal consultation and guidance are welcome.

Prerequisites for Master Students

  • In the first year of the master programme, you must fulfill the appropriate requirements of the economics course (microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics). I recommend taking the corresponding course in Graduate School of Economics instead of Graduate School of Public Policy, whether or not you wish to be enrolled in the doctoral programme. (If I am faced with many students requesting supervision, I will only accept those who have taken courses at Graduate School of Economics.)
  • Please contact me by e-mail to make an appointment during the guidance period (usually December for students entering in April, and July for students entering in October).

Supervision (for Master and Doctoral Students)

  • I do not give you a research theme for your master's thesis at all. Please make sure to find your theme by yourself. My role is to help you shape and polish your research theme.
  • In principle, the thesis guidance will be given on average once a month through individual meetings. If there is more than one student, joint meetings may be held.
  • We make contact regularly by email. Please keep checking your email.
  • Please let me know when you decide on university-related work (TA, RA, part-time lecturer, etc.) or your next placement (employment, further study, etc.). Please also inform me if we need to interrupt your thesis supervision due to, for instance, a leave of absence or withdrawal from school.
  • Please let me know if you are considering a presentation in a conference or submitting your paper to a refereed journal.
  • Consultation and guidance with other faculty members (including at other universities) are strongly recommended. Feel free to ask me if you wish to change your supervisor from me.
  • Attend Microeconomic Theory Workshop and other workshops held by Graduate School of Economics regularly.
  • Please refrain from personally sending material gifts to me for thesis supervision.

Supervision (for Doctoral Students)

  • If you wish to enter a doctoral programme under my supervision, you must come to me for a consultation at least six months in advance (around October of the previous year for those planning to enter in April, and April for those planning to enter in October).
  • In addition to Microeconomic Theory Workshop, participation in other research workshops/seminars may also be requested. If you are interested, you are also encouraged to attend other research workshops (including those in other universities).

Thesis Guidance in Japanese